now that the dust has settled

It is always with some amount of trepidation that I send out BBFF surveys… but how can I learn if not by looking at where I’ve been? So I just sent out a survey of BBFF09. Despite a couple of harsh criticisms, over 75% (thus far) have said that they would definitely come back next year. And, surprisingly, nearly 80% want to get rid of the meat on the menu! Some people complained they didn’t have enough time for schmoozin’ and others complained that the intermission was too long. The majority also said they liked the films, though some of the harshest critics reserved their most stinging barbs for the final film on Saturday night. I’m sure it didn’t help that we had a 20 minute delay from the projection booth, but honestly, of the people that voted, B.I.K.E. was the highest rated film on Saturday, so go figure. I probably wouldn’t have ended the festival on such a downer note, but it was recommended by a member of the Mass Bike board, so I assumed (wrongly, apparently) that Mass Bike was endorsing it. Live and learn, I guess!

I am relieved that another festival is behind me and already looking ahead to 2010. It looks like we will be donating a nice check for our beneficiaries this year, but until I get the final checks from the silent auction and the bill from the Brattle, I won’t know. Stay tuned!

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